viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012



The Cumbia originated in the region of the Costa Atlantica. African and indigenous influences where couples danced in groups that move freely. Women carry lighted candles, they with their wide white skirts and invite the man to follow with a flirt subtle and funny.The Cumbia is the testimony of an entire historical process of the Atlantic Region. Developed over the colony, La Cumbia shows lque black man had to fight to conquer the indigenous woman who finally relented to make way for a new generation.In the music were rhythm of African drums and the melody of bagpipes and flutes Indians. And the costume is attributed to the Spanish. Cumbia is the fusion of three cultures.La Cumbia is for us the full example of what Colombian society is in essence, the result of the fusion of three cultures.Air typically dominant throughout the Atlantic seaboard. Its origin is undoubtedly African and eventually became the most representative expression coreomusical Afro culture. Among the characteristics of her dancing, man ranks of black and Indian woman. The Spanish are credited with the costume.
Cumbia is the most representative musical air Colombia. About its origin, most recognize its triétnico folclorólogos ie, product contribution of three cultures: black African, Indian and white.

The rhythmic structure provided black and percussion (drums) The Indian flutes provided (cane million and bagpipes) and, thus, part of the melodic line. The white, meanwhile, melodic and choreographic variations, and dress of the dancers.

It should be noted that this ratio is somewhat arbitrary input, because there is no assurance that the melody and interpretation of the instruments are unique to one or another culture-with the exception of the black rhythm-and that while the flutes are of Aboriginal executing the same domain were first blacks, and later the mestizos, and very little of the Indians themselves. The reason is explained by the nature of the cumbia asincopado in both its pace and its melody.

The same could be said of the choreography cumbia dance form because of men is without doubt black mark, while the dancing of women could be either indigenous, black and, why not, white, although some folklorists call attention to the hip movement of the dancers as a characteristic black and non-indigenous.

Whatever the original source of the cumbia rhythm and dance as it seems at first gave the merger first black-Aboriginal, in the context of slavery, and then enriched by the contribution of Europeans. Today, cumbia clearly expresses the mix of Colombian culture.


According to the master José Barros (composer of the canoe, Black Christmas, etc.) Cumbia was born in the country of indigenous culture Pocabuy (who inhabited the region of Banco, Magdalena. Others argue that folclorólogos and cumbia musicians must have been born in Cienaga , Magdalena (near Santa Marta), or in Soledad, Atlántico (near Ottawa), or in Cartagena, because of the proximity to ports where initially entered the Spanish conquistadores and colonizers, Santa Marta and Cartagena.

     If nature is cumbia and indigenous Negroid, logic suggests that the birth had cumbia settlements near slavery, where blacks could externalize or express themselves freely, and where they could interact with the natives, and these sites should be near ports where blacks were admitted because of the slave trade. And, however it is very difficult to pinpoint the birthplace of cumbia, it's best to settle it was born somewhere in the Caribbean Coast Colombaina, near Santa Marta and Cartagena, facing the sea and with the weight of cricket slave. Other thesis, are hypothetical propositions.


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